Ronni Davis — writer

Mind, body, spirit — did one element or another first draw you to yoga? That is, were you seeking to settle your mind? Have greater physical flexibility? Explore your true, spiritual nature?

body and spirit

How about now: does yoga feed your mind or your body or your spirit more, or are those elements more in balance than when you started?

I feel more vulnerable and raw, it feeds my spirit more

How long have you been practicing yoga, and how frequently do you practice yoga now?

23 years on and off, and just a little now — mainly stretches and static poses

For you, what are the benefits of classes at a studio vs practicing yoga at home?

studio = adjustments, both physical and vocal

Do you have a preferred yoga style?

hatha, restorative, yin yoga, yoga nidra….

When you were starting out, what came easiest and what was more challenging?

easiest was just how natural it felt, hardest was comparing myself to other practitioners

What have been the greatest benefits of yoga for you?

flexibility, wisdom, awareness of body and breath

A character in When the Stars Lead to You, your debut novel, says “morning yoga [is] the very best yoga.” Is that also a strong-held conviction for you in real life?

not at all, I’m not a morning person!

Apart from yoga, do you practice other techniques of mindfulness or meditation?

breathing, short body scans, journaling

Do you regularly do other forms of exercise?


Outside of a yoga session, do you ever just strike a pose and stretch? If so, which pose(s) and where?

all the time, in bed, on the couch, especially in a nice warm bath

You have a choice: take a yoga class (1) outdoors on a beautiful day, overlooking the ocean, or (2) in a well-designed, very comfortable minimalist indoor space. Which do you pick?

outdoors on a beautiful day!

—interview © Marshal Zeringue

Carolyn Boucher — yoga Instructor, sound healer

Mind, body, spirit — yoga is a holistic experience for many. But did one element or another first draw you to the practice? That is, were you seeking to settle your mind? Have greater physical flexibility? Explore your true, spiritual nature?

I initially came to yoga through the theatre (there’s a fascinating history here!) — the focus for me at first was on body and breath, relaxation — fun fact: the first time I tried a long meditation practice in my yoga teacher training I don’t think I had ever sat still that long — I ran around and made lots of noise immediately after

How about now: does yoga feed your mind or your body or your spirit more, or are those elements more in balance than when you started?

definitely a balanced mix of all three — mind, body, and spirit — my practice has helped my relationship with myself in a holistic sense

How long have you been practicing yoga?

since 2009 — so just about 14 years now

How frequently do you practice now?

daily, although my practice doesn’t look the same each day

How long did you practice yoga before you started teaching it?

five years

Do you have a preferred yoga style?

when I first started, I preferred Vinyasa and Ashtanga — I now welcome a mix of styles and am currently exploring Kundalini

When you first took up yoga, what came easiest and what was more challenging?

I’ve always been a bit naturally flexible, so a lot of the postures came easily for me — focus on settling my mind and the breath work came a bit later

From your experience as a teacher, can you generalize about what comes easiest for beginners and what is more challenging?

I hesitate to generalize or assume what any of my students’ experiences might be, whether they are beginners or seasoned practitioners — we are all different and dynamic people

What have been the greatest benefits of yoga for you?

yoga has benefitted me in so many ways — less pain and anxiety — more joy and peace

Apart from yoga, do you practice other techniques of mindfulness or meditation?

yes! — I love walking meditations, creative movement, butoh dance, body-scan meditations, forest bathing, and embodiment practices

Outside of a yoga session, do you ever just strike a pose and stretch? If so, which pose(s) and where?

I love to do tree pose when I’m waiting in a particularly long line

You have a choice: lead a yoga class (1) outdoors on a beautiful day, overlooking the ocean, or (2) in a well-designed, very comfortable minimalist indoor space. Which do you pick?

ooo tough choice — outdoors overlooking the ocean! — I find nature incredibly beautiful and healing

—interview © Marshal Zeringue

Carlie Lara — student, food consultant, yoga enthusiast

Yoga is a holistic experience for many — mind, body, spirit — but did one element or another first draw you to the practice? That is, were you seeking to settle your mind? Have greater physical flexibility? Explore your true, spiritual nature?

I was battling severe gastrointestinal issues, and my doctor recommended trying yoga

How about now: does yoga feed your mind or your body or your spirit more, or are those elements more in balance than when you started?

body for sure

How long have you been practicing yoga?

7 years

How frequently do you practice yoga?

a few times a week

How long did you practice yoga before you started teaching it?

3 years

Do you have a preferred yoga style?


When you were starting your yoga journey, what came easiest and what was more challenging?

the most difficult part was learning all of the poses on a vocal cue, the easiest was getting into the stretch

What have been the greatest benefits of yoga for you?

less body pain & greater lung capacity

Apart from yoga, do you practice other techniques of mindfulness or meditation?

I’d like to go on walks

Do you regularly do other forms of exercise?

I run marathons and lift weights — I also enjoy cycling

Outside of a yoga session, do you ever just assume a pose and stretch? If so, which pose(s) and where?

yes! I am always going into a wheel pose, wide legged forward fold, staff pose, crow pose for fun — truly anywhere

If I gave you an expenses-paid yoga retreat, where would you go?


—interview © Marshal Zeringue

Valerie Cody — author, yoga teacher, nutritionist

Yoga is a holistic experience for many — mind, body, spirit — but did one element or another first draw you to the practice? That is, were you seeking to settle your mind? Have greater physical flexibility? Explore your true, spiritual nature?

I was drawn to the physicality of yoga

How about now: does yoga feed your mind or your body or your spirit more, or are those elements more in balance than when you started?

hot yoga is my favorite way to bring out the leanest version of my physique — I also feel a greater connection to my inner rhythm

How long have you been practicing yoga?

since 2014

How frequently do you practice yoga?

I do my own at-home flow daily, and I try to attend studio classes 3 times per week

What are the benefits of classes at a studio vs practicing yoga at home?

the therapeutic benefits of yoga are more present during an at-home practice — the physical benefits are more present during an in-studio class

Do you have a preferred yoga style?


When you were starting out, what came easiest and what was more challenging?

at first, the most challenging aspect was quieting my mind — the postures came easier for me

What have been the greatest benefits of yoga for you?

for me, a consistent yoga practice brings wonderful peace of mind and increased flexibility — both of which contribute to greater performance during strength-training workouts too

Do you regularly do other forms of exercise?

yes, I lift weights 5 days per week — I also swim and take walks for leisure purposes

You have a choice between a yoga class (1) outdoors on a beautiful day, overlooking the ocean, or (2) in a well-designed, very comfortable minimalist indoor space. Which do you pick?

a class overlooking the ocean would be beautiful!

Outside of a yoga session, do you ever just strike a pose and stretch? If so, which pose and where?

yes! — all the time — for some reason, I always feel like doing half-moon pose while I’m getting ready in the morning

If I gave you an expenses-paid yoga retreat, where would you go?

the Amalfi Coast

—interview © Marshal Zeringue

Sharyn Galindo — yoga teacher, health & wellness coach

Yoga is a holistic experience for many — mind, body, spirit. But did one element or another first draw you to the practice? That is, were you seeking to settle your mind? Have greater physical flexibility? Explore your spiritual nature?

I was an athlete and I just started my own business — I needed both to balance out my body physically but was also needing a new approach to stress management — yoga did the trick — I was drawn to the discipline of Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga

How about now: does yoga feed your mind or your body or your spirit more, or are those elements more in balance than when you started?

it is definitely balanced — I am as dedicated to my pranayama and meditation practice as to my asana practice — my life is guided by yoga philosophy

How long have you been practicing yoga?

25 years

How frequently do you practice now?

daily, but it varies as to what on each day

How long did you practice yoga before you started teaching it?

four years

Do you have a preferred yoga style?

Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow

When you first took up yoga, what came easiest and what was more challenging?

committing to the practice was easiest — finding the time was hardest

From your experience as a teacher, can you generalize about what comes easiest for beginners and what is more challenging?

it’s easy to just do poses, hard to focus the mind and connect to the breath

What have been the greatest benefits of yoga for you?

yoga is life changing and the practice is about an unremitting attention to the present moment experience — it has changed my body, mind, personal relationships, and taught me how to handle the roller coaster of life — it also set ethical standards for myself and how I care for others

Apart from yoga, do you practice other techniques of mindfulness or meditation?

yes, I practice Insight Meditation and Pranayama and Ayurveda

Outside of a yoga session, do you ever just strike a pose and stretch? If so, which poses and where?

sure — tree pose in the kitchen — pigeon in front of the TV

You have a choice: lead a yoga class (1) outdoors on a beautiful day, overlooking the ocean, or (2) in a well-designed, very comfortable minimalist indoor space. Which do you pick?

a well designed minimalist indoor space

—interview © Marshal Zeringue